P1 Adventure Day Camp
Hope all our P1 students had a blast at the Adventure Day Camp! So rewarding to see the smiles as they bonded with peers and teachers through fun activities.
Hope all our P1 students had a blast at the Adventure Day Camp! So rewarding to see the smiles as they bonded with peers and teachers through fun activities.
P3 students had an amazing time at this year’s camp! They explored biodiversity at Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, participated in fun team-building activities by Learn with Dragonfly, and developed valuable skills and core values.
Our P5 students had an unforgettable experience at their Outdoor Adventure Camp. They developed new friendships, learned teamwork, and gained valuable life skills such as independence, leadership, and resilience.
Our P4 students just had an unforgettable camping experience organized by our teachers and CNH! They had a blast engaging in outdoor learning and thrilling activities, while also honing their communication and leadership skills. Plus, they got to interact with diverse groups and learn about environmental consciousness. What an amazing way to learn and grow outside of the classroom! #SISHK #InternationalSchool #HongKong #Primary #Camp #OutdoorAdventures
Throughout a Two-Day Adventure, our P3 students immersed themselves in a variety of exciting activities. The first day, led by Dragonfly, sets the stage for outdoor exploration and learning, while Day 2’s the Hike allows students to put their newfound skills to the test. As they partake in these thrilling outdoor challenges, students will hone their communication abilities, cultivate their leadership potential, and foster a deeper appreciation for the environment. #SISHK #InternationalSchool #HongKong #Primary #Camp #OutdoorAdventures
Our P5 & P6 cohorts experienced and learned to cope with stress better, built resilience and improved their physical and mental health through the recent outdoor school camps. Being away from home and spending time with a group of peers can create a strong sense of camaraderie. #SISHK #InternationalSchool #HongKong #Primary #Camp #OutdoorAdventures
At SISHK, we provide our primary students the opportunities to develop social and leadership skills. Every year, we select students who have demonstrated leadership potential to become school prefects. As part of their induction and leadership development , all prefects will undergo a day of prefect training programme to equip them with useful skills. This year, on 17 September, all prefects including the newly appointed ones participated in the leadership camp in which they were taught conflict management skills to […]
The thrilling fun-filled summer camp increased the leadership and life skills of our Secondary 3 students. Students made a short kayaking trip to explore the coastline around Mui Wo. Coasteering was definitely an exciting and highly challenging adventure. Our students explored a rocky coastline in Clear Water Bay using a variety of exciting techniques.
“力”,是这次台湾浸濡中十分重要的主题。在野柳地质公园里,它以风力、水力向我们展示大自然的独特风光;在台北探索馆和国立台湾科学教育馆里,它则以创造力和生产力推动人们走向更璀璨的未来。最重要的是,它决定了人民的生活习惯和风土人情,照亮了一个民族独特文化的可贵。士林夜市里小贩拖着长腔熟练的叫卖,戏棚上演员们衣诀纷飞说说唱唱,内湖国小细心准备的饭盘碗筷……这些生活的点点滴滴平凡却真实,展示了台北独特的风俗文明。感谢学校,给了我这次成长的机会。 P6RE 张择览 朱铭美术馆是我喜欢的景点之一,与野柳地质公园不同,它不是天然生成的,而是一位叫朱铭的老爷爷自己亲手雕刻而成的。美术馆里有上百件艺术品,每一件都是慢慢做成的,非常精致,我非常欣赏创作者的耐心和创意。每一个区域都有不同的主题,如:太极、人间和母爱,其中最让我念念不忘的是“人间主题”的军舰,这个军舰不是完整的,它只有一个轮廓,但看着特别顺眼。 P6CE 李依洛 在台北的旅程中,我发现一个特别有趣的地方,那就是北投图书馆。这个图书馆的设计可以帮助图书馆节省很多钱和资源,是一座环保型的图书馆。它的屋顶上有96个太阳能板,还有一块绿化的角落,可以帮图书馆隔热。图书馆的窗户能让外面的凉风吹进来,这样人们在馆内看书就凉快多了。有了隔热的草坪和特殊的窗户,这座图书馆一年能节省很多钱呢 P6CE 郭书涵 这次的台北浸濡活动,让我印象最深刻的就是和当地学校交流的三天了。在这段时间中,我认识了一个台湾的学生,她的名字叫子娴。她那充满光彩的眼睛,那乐滋滋的笑脸,真让人一见难忘。当我有困难时,热心的她会主动来帮助我,并说:“没关系,你一定能做的到的!” 在那三天中,我们一起学习,一起谈天嬉戏,很快成为了要好的朋友。在相处的最后一天,我们交换了电邮地址和礼物,大家的眼里都含着泪,彼此互道珍重。现在我们经常在互联网上聊天,我盼望有机会再次见到她! P6RT 冯善婷