Primary Prefect Training Camp and Prefect Investiture

Su Jingxin (P4RY), Healy Anaya Natthira (P5RY), Long Li Wen Cheryl (P6RE)
At the Prefects’ Investiture rehearsal, we were very nervous as we needed to work on the march-in and the singing of the song – “We all do the Right Thing”. After a lot of hard work, we were able to kick off the Investiture with a really smooth entrance and we all walked into the Gymnasium with confidence!
Shortly after the ceremony started, the whole school watched the “Day in the Life of a Prefect” video and also a slideshow of our Prefect Training Camp. Looking back at the snapshots, I reflected on how we built on our teamwork that day. I was also delighted to hear how the audience roared with laughter as they learnt more about the duties of a prefect.
When it was my turn to receive my prefect badge from Mr. Tay, I was incredibly nervous and even had sweat rolling down my face. It was an honour for me to be handed my badge from Mr Tay in front of the whole school! We ended the ceremony by reading the Prefect Oath, led by our Head and Vice-Head Prefect, and by singing the prefect song. Relieved that the show was finally over, we were ready for the real challenge – taking on our duties with passion and integrity for AY1920!
Su Jingxin (P4RY)
One year ago, I applied to become a P4 prefect because I wanted to make the school an even better place and also learn how to be a better leader. To this day, I am still very grateful at being selected to join the team.
This is my second year as a prefect and it was a great opportunity for us to participate in the Prefect Training Camp held in August where the prefects had team bonding activities whilst also learning new skills about leadership and caring for others. In addition, the senior prefects shot a video for the Prefect Investiture and to be displayed on SISHK Campus TV.
What made this year particularly special was that I successfully ran for the Vice-Head Prefect role. It was a competitive process and I had to present in front of my teachers and fellow students. All of the senior prefects who took part in the election had great presentations and made me appreciate the strengths of my fellow schoolmates. To be able to speak in public to different audiences was a really nervous experience but we all learnt and succeeded as a team.
Along with Head Prefect, Cheryl Long of P6RE, we led the prefects in reading The Oath at the Prefects’ Investiture, promising to serve the school community to the best of our abilities.
I would like to thank all of you for your support and faith in me. I will always try my hardest to fulfil the needs of the student body. I will be a good role model, both in and out of school, and always help others in need. The lessons taught by my teachers during the campaign have allowed me to see all situations from different perspectives. Mr Tay always tells us to “Live our Values Every Day” and I will enforce this and would like all of the students to work together with the prefect team to make sure this year will be the most memorable year ever!
Healy Anaya Natthira (P5RY)
The annual Prefect Camp, which all the prefects looked forward to eagerly, did not disappoint. We were engaged in various team-building activities which helped us to develop the qualities needed to be an effective leader. The camp also allowed the prefects to have an opportunity to interact so we would get to know one another better. This would then enable us to work well together to serve the school community. In addition, what made Prefect Camp so memorable was the filming of the video for the Prefect Investiture. Before the filming started, we had to decide what scenes to include, plan the storyline for each scene and finally, perform and film it. It was a truly interesting and fun experience.
I was fortunate to be given the opportunity to run for the position of Head Prefect. When the election started, all candidates were busy planning for the campaign. Creating posters, drafting scripts, preparing slides and rehearsing speeches were all part of the preparation we had to do. Participating in the Head Prefect campaign was an unforgettable event for me. Although it was stressful and nervous for me to speak in public, it was a great learning experience.
During the Prefect Investiture, as we recited the Prefect Oath, we were reminded of the importance of our duties and responsibilities. I look forward to working together with the teachers and the prefect team to deliver on our promises to serve the school and to make SISHK an even happier place, filled with love and care.