Building a real bond through kite making
十月份我校透过两间非牟利机构 – 恩橡基金会与詠翔(香港)合办风筝制作活动,邀请一班长者与二年级的同学们一起制作风筝。活动中,同学们表现雀跃, 发挥无限创意。同学们亦学习如何与长者互动,并且虚心向他们请教。长者们耐心地指导同学,两代之间的相处乐也融融, 沟通真的没有年龄界限呢!
SISHK jointly organised kite making activities with two non-profit organisations: Mighty Oaks Foundation and WINGS Hong Kong in October. These two NGOs brought in a group of seniors to make kites with our Primary Two students. Participating students who received guidance from the elders felt excited and were able to fully express their creative potential. This occasion encouraged communication between then young and the old, allowing a real bond to be formed!