SISHK Rebuilding for Care
As part of our Character and Global Citizenship Education Growth Mindset program, we try to instill qualities of resilience and grit into our students. Responses to real world challenges form part of this education.
On Friday 31st March our students took part in our ‘SISHK Rebuilding for Care’ fundraiser in response to the earthquake which devastated southeast Turkey and northwest Syria in February this year. We asked the students to reimagine what it must be like to lose your home and start again, by asking them to rebuild a town using building blocks, showing the incredibly important school value of CARE as they do so.
The response was magnificent. Over a thousand students donated to OXFAM and, as a class, they rebuilt an entire town, one house at a time. In doing so they raised HK$ 97,419 for the OXFAM relief effort which will be used, in part, to improve the lives of the tens of thousands of children whose lives have been forever changed by this catastrophe.
Truly a wonderful effort, a real world challenge met with SISHK CARE!!
于2023年3月31日(星期五)我们的学生、家长及教员同心参与“SISHK Rebuilding for Care”的筹款活动,以援助席卷土耳其和叙利亚地震的灾民。透过此次的活动,我们让学生想象失去家园并重新建立家园的感觉,让他们利用积木重建一个城镇,以行动体现学校重要的价值观 – 关爱。
筹款活动引起了积极的反响。超过一千名学生参与乐施会(OXFAM)的捐款,每个班级利用积木搭建一栋房子。幼儿园和小学部的学生合力重建了整个城镇。最后,我们一共为乐施会筹集了港币 97,419元。感谢乐施会的救援工作,这笔善款将改善数万名因地震失去家园的儿童的生活。