AY2324 Primary STEAM Week
Our Primary Section just wrapped up an amazing STEAM Week filled with thrilling activities and hands-on learning experiences! 🎉
This year’s theme is “Transportation and Movements,” and the teachers curated a range of engaging activities for our students to enjoy. This provides a fantastic opportunity for our students to dive into the world of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics through hands-on experiences.
Students were engaged in various activities, including virtual adventures like VR Beat Saber, AR Active Arcade, VR Hand Physics Lab, AI Talkbo Robot Shop, Micro:bit Car Race, Air Canon, Reaction Games, and mBot Wrestle!
Besides, senior students took part in the FPV Drone Challenge, Drone Soccer, Drone Simulation, interacted with the Tale Bot, embarked on an Underwater ROV adventure, and even built their own DIY Hovercrafts!
We would like to especially thank our Parent volunteers who contributed to STEAM Week.