Co-President of Community Council Kristy Chan
Kristy Chan DP1B
The leadership journey that began when I stepped foot into secondary school has been and will be a mere five to six years, but the road afoot – one that was paved by my seniors and held on the shoulders of those giants – stretches into the distance.
I think that last year we were able to make our council a lot warmer and closer in terms of our relationship – less clinical and council-y, and more like a family. I wanted to ensure that everyone felt like they had a voice and played an equally important role in our council, whether it be in decision-making processes or in the actual rundown of our events. Perhaps this worked because of the great camaraderie that many of us realised we naturally had between us, and I’m so grateful to each and every member of the council who have worked hard and made a difference in the council, no matter how small or big. Getting to know our members better over the course of one year has been rewarding and joyful in the truest sense, as the council is a platform for us to connect with fellow students from different grades.
It’s always such a privilege to meet like-minded individuals with a similar passion for serving the community. It is my honour to lead alongside my fellow councillors this year. I’ve been so lucky as to have another chance at being Co-President of the CC for the second year, and I have learned so much from my fellow leaders and peers around me. Thanks must go to the DP2s from whom I have learned so much, including event organisation, communication skills, and perhaps for me personally, being brave. I’ve always been a more introverted person but I have learned to step a little bit out of my comfort zone, to be a bit louder; to shake up the status quo a little bit more and to take more risks. Like they say – fortune favours the brave. This year, I hope to take more risks and try new things – look forward to new events that take the CC to new heights! We’re looking at expanding our events so that we have more of an international reach, as well as engaging the school community in more volunteering events (as many of them we do internally within the council).
As we put the past behind us; reflect on our mistakes, and discuss what can be improved, we turn our gazes to the future – a path that is paved with close friendships, memorable experiences, and, most important of all, a drive to bridge our school community to the wider community of Hong Kong.