Swim Meet

Jonathan Webber and Heads of House
Zubir Said – Megan Chen and Zoe Schlossmacher
How did you prepare the house for this year’s swim meet?
Some of our experienced and more talented swimmers were called upon to help; Jayden Lim from DP1 and Alison Yip from DP2. The training sessions helped some student revisit techniques and opportunity to gain some feedback to improve.
We also made sure we had zero empty lanes so as to ensure we had 100% participation. Plus, we ensured everyone was comfortable with the events they were swimming and did not put weaker students into the 100m races.
Top 2 highlights for Zubir Said House?
The most memorable moment of swim meet was the cheering. Everyone in our house, especially the lower secondary students, were extremely passionate about supporting all the swimmers; some even initiated house chants! They kept asking us who the swimmers are so that they can scream their names. At that moment, we felt especially proud of our house for coming together and supporting each other.
When the house found out we were 4 points behind Marshall, everyone started to scream even louder and they swam even harder. Although we got 2nd place, seeing Zubir Said come together and supporting each other was an amazing experience and we couldn’t wish for anything better.
Raffles – Joyce Zhu and Brian Wong
How did you encourage and motivate the house for this years swim meet?
Raffles had a history of coming in fourth in the Swim Meet, so this year we worked hard to stop that streak. We knew that we weren’t the strongest house, but we focused on the points we would get from getting maximum participation. We worked together with our house representatives from the different grades to make sure we had all the slots we could filled out. We gave the participants tips on how to prepare well for a race and what to do during the swim meet so they could perform well.
Top 2 highlights for Raffles House?
As for highlights, the top one would be that we got third instead of fourth as everyone expected. Our efforts paid off and we avoided last place. Another highlight would be the upper secondary 4×50 medley relay, where although we didn’t win, we lost the gold by a mere 0.14 seconds. A valiant effort all round.
LKY – Andrea Lam and Lorraine Jiang
What advice and tips were given to staff and students before and during swim meet?
A positive and enthusiastic mindset was the message sent out; we tried to keep the house spirit up by doing our house chant and encouraged all our students to fill up as many spots as possible with the hope that if we could 2nd and 3rd together. Our advice to both students and teachers was to have fun and try to cheer for our peers, as encouragement can go a long way for the swimmers.
Top 2 highlights for LKY House?
The top highlight was the house relays. Even though we didn’t win, that was when most of the house members were back on the stands and we were able to come together and do the house chants. From past experiences, we know that the S1 are usually the “wild cards” of house competitions, so it was really motivating to the house when they came in second and third for their races.
Marshall – Aradhana Upadhyay and Yoges Yew
How did you prepare the house for this years up and coming swim meet?
As heads of houses for Marshall this year, both Yoges and I put lots of effort in completing the sign ups for all events, ensuring that there were no gaps. In addition, we made an effort in providing refreshments for all athletes by pre-ordering drinks and snacks with the help of Sarah and Cheshire, the departing heads. Finally, we ensured that everyone participated in some form, be it swimming in races, or cheering from the sidelines, so that this win would be a group effort!
Top 2 highlights for Marshall house?
There are so many great memories to choose from but winning the swim meet and together with the loud cheers from the stands are the most memorable. The unconditional support given from house members towards the swimmers gave immense encouragement throughout the meet. Feeling the chemistry between members of the house grow, and to be able to spot new friendships and connections being formed with different students from various grades was definitely one of the top highlights!
Keeping the seven year streak burning was one of the happiest moments we celebrated as a house this year. It was a moment we all felt united as one, coming and working together to reach our common goal. Witnessing the happy cheers all around after the announcement of the winner of this year’s swim meet was an experience truly like no other. With the reality of all, coming alive through everyone’s hard work was just like a dream. Although this is not the first year Marshall has won the swim meet, it feels like the first, every single time; LETS GO MARSHALL!
Another exciting and thrilling swim meet. It was great to see the constant house spirit shown from everyone throughout the day.
Final result
1st – Marshall
(654 points)
2nd – Zubir Said
(613 points)
3rd – Raffles
(537 points)
4th – LKY
(568 points)
Special thank you to all members of staff who helped before, during and after to make it another successful annual swim meet.
Special mention to the parent guest of honours who are the parents of our PE students of the term.
Congratulations to all our new swim meet record breakers; a fantastic achievement.
Finally, thank you to all student volunteers and well done to all student competitors, especially those who had to substitute in on the day to ensure the house could compete to its best standard.
Mr J Webber – Teacher of Physical Education