18th Hong Kong Inter-School Go Competition
Our junior students participated in the “18th Hong Kong Inter-School Go Competition” in late May. Through their efforts and cooperation, they achieved good results of the second place, , third place, and fourth place in the finals of the Middle and Lower Primary Category. We sincerely congratulate them on their achievements! 我校低年级的同学在5月時参加了“第十八届香港校际围棋大赛”。通过大家的努力与合作,分别在中小组和初小组的决赛中取得了全港亚军和季、殿军的好成绩。 赛前孩子们努力练习,即使在比赛中面对各校强劲的对手,他们也能沉着冷静,越战越勇,最后取得了佳绩。在此衷心地向他们表示热烈的祝贺! #SISHK #InternationalSchool #HongKong #Primary #Chess #CCA