SG60 Chinese New Year Celebration with the Community

As Singapore proudly marks SG60 this year, SISHK is so thrilled to kick off a year-long celebration filled with inclusive and people-oriented activities!
This week, we have kickstarted with the first event, the “SG60 SISHK Chinese New Year Celebration with the Community,” at our campus. This gathering not only commemorates Singapore’s 60th anniversary but also embodies our commitment to community spirit.

We are grateful for the support from our dedicated parents, Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare (Mr Ho Kai-ming, JP), Singapore Consulate-General in Hong Kong (Mr Ong), sponsoring parties The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel Hong Kong and Zhong Guo Long Charity Foundation, as well as our Board of Governors. 

The ceremony featured heartfelt presentations of hampers and donation cheques to 60 selected charitable organizations, including 香港防癌會 The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society, Hands On Hong Kong, 心靈雞湯慈善基金會 ChickenSoup Foundation, Mighty Oaks Foundation 恩橡基金會, Hong Kong Dog Rescue (HKDR), Soap Cycling 再皂福, The Elephant Foundation etc. The list of these organizations will be available on our school website soon.
SISHK students showcased their incredible talent through festive performances, adding to the joyous atmosphere. Together, we celebrate Singapore’s rich heritage and our dedication to giving back!