Hot Chocolate Sale

P6HY Anushkha Chandrashekar, P5HY 王加慕
Cheerful anticipation spread through the air as the Hot Chocolate Sale drew near. Students excitedly chattered in the hallways, reminding each other of the upcoming fundraiser event. A heavenly cup of warm hot chocolate is just what tired students and teachers needed to lift their spirits.
On 16-17th January 2019, the student leadership committee had their annual Hot Chocolate Sale. In the lead up to the event, the student leadership committee prepared beautiful posters to inform the school about the event. During the Hot Chocolate Sale, we asked students to bring their own mug or flask to help reduce wastage. We were impressed by the number of students that did their bit to protect the environment. I am glad everyone from the prefect team helped play a part in the sale. Even though it wasn’t easy, we worked as a team and gave the students a delicious hot chocolate to enjoy on a cold winter’s day.
The Hot Chocolate Sale this year was a huge success and I am pleased that the students and teachers got to drink this great beverage!
每一年,这个活动都能筹得很多钱 。不过,我们可没有把钱据为己有,我们会把部分钱捐给一些慈善机构,另一部分就作为学校的活动经费。今年,我们拿出一部分收入,捐给了一家动物保护机构,以帮助流浪的小动物们找到温暖的家园,这多么有意义啊!