Prefect Fundraiser – Hot Chocolate Sale
Every year, joy and exciting chatter can be heard around the school when the Hot Chocolate Sale approaches! Students love this popular sale, as it is a great way to keep warm during the cold winter months, as well as being a delicious treat!
Prior to the event, the prefects worked closely with the Student Leadership Committee teachers and were fully involved in the planning process. We took on the responsibility of planning the prefect schedule, poster making, level assembly presentations and announcements to the school community. We wanted to arouse everyone’s interest and ensure that the students were aware of the event.
It was an exceptionally cold day for our Hot Chocolate Sale on Thursday, 1 February 2018 and Friday, 2 February 2018, with temperatures dipping to only eight degrees! The cold weather helped the sale become more popular, and the prefects were constantly making cup after cup of delicious hot chocolate for the students.
The students waited patiently in the long line to purchase their hot chocolate. They were all excited and smiling to have a hot and sweet drink to keep them warm in the plaza. I was impressed because many students thanked us for serving them the hot chocolate and it felt good to be appreciated.
It is a great feeling to be able to participate in a hot chocolate sale for the students to enjoy, especially since the money is set aside to fund International Friendship Day, as well as a charity organisation of our choice. It will be wonderful to continue this hot chocolate sale tradition at SISHK for the years to come!