Ice Cream Sale
Yushu Lin P4RE and Anaya Healy P4RY
There was chattering heard all around the school and the students were excitingly talking about one thing only: the Annual Ice Cream Sale.
The Ice Cream Sale was held on 18th-19th October at lunchtime. This year, we had 3 different flavours to offer: Orange Fruitips, Blackcurrant Fruitips and Cookies & Cream Mega Ice Cream. Each ice cream cost $10.
As P4 prefects, it was our first time helping with the operation of the sales and there was so much to do! The Prefect Team worked on different shifts to collect the money raised and assist in handing out ice creams to our long queue of customers.
All students raced to secure a space in the line, which reached the library, after finishing their lunch in a flash. Little did we know that the Blackcurrant and Orange Fruitips would sell out so quickly! Even though we were left with the Cookies & Cream Mega Ice Cream, we realized all flavours tasted awesome and there were still smiles on the faces of our customers! They were so patient and understanding!
In this event, the prefects learnt how to serve the students in a hospitable manner. We hope all the students enjoyed the Ice Cream Sale as much as we did!
This year’s Ice Cream Sale was a huge success. We hope to see you again at the next fundraising activity—the Hot Chocolate Sale!